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4. Urban district Oberbilk / Main Station 1934 and 1974: Deconstruction of the industry in the inner city, construction of new living space after WWII

Urban district Oberbilk / Main Station 1934: Deconstruction of the industry in the inner city, construction of new residential space after WWII Click image to enlarge Urban district Oberbilk / Main Station 1974: Deconstruction of the industry in the inner city, construction of new residential space after WWII Click image to enlarge
Source: State capital Düsseldorf (Ed.) (1977): Düsseldorf – a changing city, Düsseldorf, p. 107.



  1. Compare the two pictures.
  2. What does the coexistence of residential buildings and industrial buildings mean?

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  1. Heavy industry behind the main station which had its climax in the 1970s; building new blocks because of the destruction of WWII; the station building survived the destruction of WWII (Bauhaus style, 1936)
  2. Large amount of contamination and noise pollution, which may result in chronic diseases.