Teacher | Student
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Curricular level

History classes (NRW): Gymnasium / Realschule / Gesamtschule. Gymnasium: Topic: Europe is changing, especially: “industrial revolution” = 7th or 8th grade. Realschule: Topic: Europe is changing, especially: “industrial revolution” = 8th or 9th grade. Gesamtschule: Topic: Europe is changing, especially: “industrial revolution” = 9th grade.

Another possibility to teach the DM is to teach it in the context of: ‘What did people formerly know of each other and what do they know nowadays?’ Then the focus should be on ‘self-images’ and on ‘how others see us’. This is especially fruitful in order to compare it with contemporary migrations (e.g. DM ‘Migrant labour in the 1960s and 1970s’). Gymnasium: 9th grade. Gesamtschule: 10th grade. Realschule: N/A. Deutschland


The pupils learn something about the conditions in the USA with which migrants were confronted. They learn where German migrants settled, how they were perceived by Americans and how they experienced their own situation.

Conceptual Objectives

The pupils order the story of German migrants chronologically, spatially and thematically.

They interpret the opinions about the immigrants on the basis of sources.

They shift the perspective, which helps to understand the background and the point of view of others.

Methodological Objectives and Skills

The pupils use basic methods of interpreting sources, both the written ones and pictures and graphs.

They analyze, compare and assess the actions of the people from the period, knowing their values.

They formulate and revise value judgements.

Suggestion of Activities

  • The pupils compile – on their own or in groups – which requirements have to be met in order to migrate to the USA.
  • Which requirements have to be met in order to migrate to their own country.

Suggestion of Evaluation

The ability of the students to compare what they have learned with similar phenomena of the contemporary world is tested.