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Work Assignment

1. Explain the interrelation between communication and revolution.


2. The Revolution of 1848 in France ended at first:
with the proclamation of the Second Republic.
with its abatement by the national guard.
with the execution of the King.


3 . Imagine the rights demanded by the people of Baden would not be in force today. Which outcomes, do you think, would this have for your life?

Questions of synthesis

To 1. A summary and repetition of the theses of Heinz-Gerhard Haupt.

To 3. Here, the students are to become aware that in 1848, people fought for rights which are taken for granted in the modern democratic society (contemporary relevance):

  • Freedom of the Press: free and independent information for everyone would not be available anymore; censorship would mean that only the opinions that conform to those of the state are allowed. The effects on the modern media could also be a matter of discussion. The lack of freedom of the Press is connected with the prohibition of freedom of speech, which would forbid everyone to communicate their personal opinion and punish those voicing nonconformist ideas.
  • Despotism of the State: in democratic states, military and police forces sworn to the constitution prevent despotism. In absolutist states, these forces were responsible to the ruler only; law did not protect the individual citizen against them.
  • Privileges of the estates: the effect of the abolition on the privileges of the estates is that today, no member of a democratic society enjoys preferential rights in comparison to others, due to their birth or descent.