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Originally produced in: Deutschland
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1. When did the annexation of the Sudeten area to the German Reich take place?

2. Who was the political leader of the Sudeten German Party?
Adolf Hitler.
Konrad Henlein.
Reinhard Heydrich.


a) Inquire: Was there displacement in course of wars and terror regimes in your country as well or do you know an example from other countries?
b) Try to compare this case of “emigration” to other examples known to you!

Questions of synthesis


  • Turks expel Armenians and Greeks after the founding of Turkey; Yugoslavia: the successor states expel minorities under primacy of ethnic cleansing.
  • People who immigrate to, for example, Germany today, are “forced” to this by most diverse reasons: partly, people are politically persecuted even today (for example because they belong to a political or religious minority) or they emigrate because they hope be able to lead an economically better life in their host country. Yet, these reasons cannot be compared to systematic detentions as in Czechoslovakia or in a).