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I. Poles – an enslaved nation. Manifesto of National Government of the Polish Republic from 22 February 1846.

1. From the list below, choose reasons for Poles to stage a national uprising.
a. Restricting use of Polish language.
b. Restricting freedom to follow Catholic religion.
c. Employing incompetent people in offices.
d. Repressions against patriotic activists.
e. Obligation for all citizens to learn the language of invading country.

2. The authors of the Manifesto of the National Government apply for participation in the uprising to:
a. Nobility, because they should take responsibility for the country.
b. Clergy, because they are the spiritual guides of the nation.
c. Peasants, in return for participation they are promised to get land.
d. All Poles regardless of their status or origins.

3. The Krakow Uprising ended in failure for several reasons. Choose the appropriate ones:
a. The uprising broke out in the winter and many Poles preferred to stay at home.
b. The Austrians had much greater forces than Poles.
c. Austrian officials stirred up peasants against the Polish gentry. As a result the peasants attacked manor houses.
d. The uprising was suppressed by joint attack of Russian, Prussian, and Austrian troops.

II. Italians – a divided nation. Letter of Giuseppe Mazzini to Charles Albert – king of Sardinia.

1. Choose areas that were under the reign of Charles Albert:
a. Italy.
b. Piedmont.
c. Parma.
d. Sardinia.
e. Sicily.

2. According to Mazzini, Italian unification depends on:
a. Defeating France and regaining the Alps.
b. Defeating Austria which is occupying the northern part of Italy.
c. Acquiring influential leader – king of Sardinia.
d. Acquiring a strong ally, who may be the Habsburgs.

III. The Austrian Empire – a country of many nations. Map of nationalities included in the Habsburg state.

1. Among nation living in the Habsburg country there are:
a. Poles.
b. Czechs.
c. Danes.
d. Swiss.
e. Croats.
f. Romanians.

2. The two strongest nations of the Habsburg state (taking into account the inhabited area and total population) are:
a. Romanians.
b. Hungarians.
c. Poles.
d. Austrians.

3. Choose slogans correctly defining the nature of the Hapsburgs state:
a. Multinational.
b. Nationally uniform.
c. Multicultural.
d. Multi-faith.

IV. Summary of the Spring of Nations. Caricature “Tidying Europe” from 1849.

1. Specify what functions the caricature fulfils in political journalism:
a. Informational – it shows the situation in accordance with the facts.
b. Sarcastic, satirical – it ridicules some elements of a particular phenomenon.
c. Propaganda – it advertises (promotes) certain characters, phenomena and discredits the other.

2. Choose consequences of the Spring of Nations from the given below:
a. Creation of the independent Italian country.
b. Increase of national awareness of Slavic minorities that lived in the Austrian Empire.
c. Liberation from the rule of the Habsburgs in Hungary.
d. Abdication of Charles Albert in Sabaudia, and Ferdinand I in Austria.

3. Events of the Spring of Nations affected to the smallest degree the following European countries:
a. Austria.
b. England.
c. Italy.
d. Spain.

Questions of synthesis

1. Write an essay (approximately 200 words) about the importance of the Spring of Nations for the awakening of national consciousness in the countries in Eastern-Central Europe.
2. Write a report (200-300 words) entitled "Europe of Nations". Consider how the Community respected rights to their own language, culture and religion of the societies of the Member States. Are there minorities in EU countries that feel discriminated because of their national background, religion, or culture?

Questions of synthesis

1. Write an essay (approximately 200 words) about the importance of the Spring of Nations for the awakening of national consciousness in the countries in Eastern-Central Europe.

The most important issues:

  • Correct definition of concepts such as national identity and nationalism.
  • identifying the nationality of ethnic groups in the nineteenth century that constitute the independent states of East-Central Europe today.
  • discussion on the course of events of the Spring of Nations in which participated selected nations of East-Central Europe.
  • determining the influence of the revolutionary movements on the growth of political consciousness of the abovementioned groups and development of their aspirations for independence.

2. Write a report (200-300 words) entitled "Europe of Nations". Consider how the Community respected rights to their own language, culture and religion of the societies of the Member States. Are there minorities in EU countries that feel discriminated because of their national background, religion, or culture?

The most important issues:

  • Explanation of the concept of national minority.
  • Providing basic information about national politics in the EU.
  • Characteristics of the EU country(ies) which face the problem of national minorities.
  • Discussion of cultural and religious conflict that exists in some EU countries in connection with Arab and Muslim minorities.
  • Discussion of proposals to resolve ethnic conflicts in the EU.